Saturday, August 31, 2019

Natural Mosquito Repellent

â€Å"NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLENT† I. INTRODUCTION Mosquitoes can be unwelcome guest these rainy days and it is a major insect problem of people. Commercial repellents are harsh, have poisons that are not suitable for children and not always effective in repelling these pesky bugs. We don’t know what are the side effects of these repellents are. Some leaves, unripe fruit, and their seeds contain vermicidal and insectidal properties. It is an inexpensive alternative in avoiding mosquito that causes diseases like dengue and malaria.These insects can also cause economic losses in cattle and other livestock through blood loss, disease transmission and irritation. We arrived at this kind of problem because we want to prevent ourselves from mosquitoes that cause diseases like dengue, malaria as well as painful or uncomfortable insect bites. And we want to avoid slapping and whirring hands when it’s stricken to us and to come up with an effective and safe mosquito repell ent product. We don’t need poisons to deal with insects. II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE TITLE; Shoo, Fly: Natural Insect RepellentBy: Laurel Vukovic From:  Natural Health July/August, 1994 Making human flesh unappetizing to mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and fleas is an age-old preoccupation. The earliest insect repellents included smoke, mud, and various plant substances. Our contemporary contribution is DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide), a powerful insecticide found in over 400 repellents. DEET can peel paint, damage rayon and spandex, and melt plastic. Up to 56 percent of DEET applied to the skin enters the bloodstream, and reactions to it include skin rashes, lethargy, muscle spasms, nausea, and irritability.An extreme reaction can cause seizures and even death. So it's hardly worth using DEET to deter insects unless you're someplace with high rates of insect-borne disease or you experience severe allergic reactions to bites and stings. There are natural alternatives to D EET, made primarily from plant essential oils that can protect you in less threatening circumstances. Although â€Å"there is no natural repellent as effective as DEET,† says Eve McClure, executive vice-president of protection against ticks. Ticks, the carriers of Lyme disease, are among the most worrisome pests. If you are traveling in an area known for Lyme disease (according to the Centers for Disease Control, this includes the Atlantic states and Northern California), contact the American Lyme Disease Foundation at (800) 876-5963 for preventive advice Quantum, a natural repellent manufacturer in Eugene, Oregon, â€Å"natural repellents do help ward off mosquitoes, black flies, gnats, and fleas, and they may provide some . Reactions:   From Mild to FatalAlthough most people experience only temporary pain and swelling after a bee or wasp sting, some individuals are hypersensitive and can experience a potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction. The symptoms of anaphylaxis in clude hives, agitation, difficulty in breathing, nausea, dizziness, and a swollen tongue or face. Without prompt medical treatment, this can be fatal. Although anyone can have an anaphylactic reaction, the people most at risk are those with a history of allergic reactions to stings — hives, wheezing, or a previous episode of anaphylactic shock.People who know they are at risk should carry an emergency kit with injectable epinephrine, which is available by prescription. Home care can include drinking slightly salty water (1/2 tsp. per quart, at 4 oz. per hour), Vitamin B-5 at large doses briefly (2 grams 3X a day, for 3-4 days), Licorice capsules or tea at 1-2 cps. /1 cup tea, 2 or 3 X a day. Extensive Measures You don't have to be in the tropics or in an area at high risk for insect-borne disease to take the following steps. Hordes of insects your own backyard can lead you to seek extra protection.Debra Nuzzi-St. Claire, an herbalist in Boulder, Colorado, has these suggestion s (see â€Å"Making Your Own Natural Insect Repellent,† below, for essential oil combination): * Spray clothing and bedding (including the mosquito netting of your tent, if you're camping) with an alcohol-base repellent. * Pour several drops of the combined pure essential oils onto a candle. * Place a few drops on cloth or paper strips and hang them around the room, especially by doors and windows. * Add the base oil to shampoos and liquid soaps.Most natural insect repellents are made with an essential oil distilled from citronella, a tall, aromatic grass indigenous to Southern Asia. Its pungent, lemony fragrance is pleasant to most people but objectionable to mosquitoes. Other aromatic essential oils commonly found in natural insect repellents include cedarwood, lemongrass, eucalyptus, peppermint, pennyroyal, lavender, and bergamot. These are safe when applied to the skin, but should not be taken internally without the advice of a professional. Pennyroyal, in particular, is highly toxic if ingested. Essential oil repellents are available in spray or oil form.According to Eve McClure, restrictions by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have made it difficult for consumers to identify natural repellents by packaging alone. Since the EPA classifies all repellents as insecticides, it requires expensive testing, which includes experiments on live animals. Because most natural repellent manufacturers are unwilling — or financially unable — to comply with EPA guidelines, they cannot promote their products as natural insect repellents. â€Å"We had to remove the bug from our label and change our name from ‘Buzz Away' to ‘Zzz Away,' † says McClure (see â€Å"Making Your Own Natural Insect Repellent†).After the Bite If mosquitoes, flies, and fleas feast on you in spite of your efforts, Nuzzi-St. Claire recommends applying undiluted tea tree oil to the bites. Tea tree oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory propertie s and is usually non-irritating. Test a small area of skin before applying the oil liberally. If the essential oil irritates your skin, wash it off with soap and water and dilute the tea tree oil in five parts of jojoba or almond oil before reapplying. Testing for sensitivity is a good practice when applying any essential oil for the first time.Sharol Tilgner, a naturopathic physician and natural first-aid expert in Portland, Oregon, recommends applying a drop of peppermint essential oil to insect bites. â€Å"Anything with menthol will increase the circulation in the area and dissipate the anticoagulant that the mosquito has injected into you,† she says. Other topical treatments for reducing itching and inflammation include cold compresses, lavender essential oil, and calamine lotion. Dr. Thomas S. Lee, an Arizona naturopathic physician, likes pure lavender oil rubbed into the bite ASAP. â€Å"The Chinese patent medicine White Flower Oil is a clean mentholated formula that works well, too. Well-equipped and well-informed, you can take those restorative strolls and hikes with greater confidence. Carl Mitchell of the Centers for Disease Control in Fort Collins, Colorado says, â€Å"People definitely shouldn't avoid outdoor activities for fear of bug bites and stings. Just take a few precautions. † Stings:   The Finer Points To make an insect repellent oil that can be used on your body, add 16 ounces of jojoba or almond oil to the base oil mixture and blend thoroughly. For an insect repellent spray, add 16 ounces of vodka to the base oil mixture, pour into a spray bottle, and shake before using.Although bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets generally won't go out of their way to attack, they can be extremely aggressive if you disturb their nests or bother them while they're feeding. They're attracted by perfumes and scented body care products, as well as by sweet foods such as ice cream, fruit juices, and watermelon. Bright-colored clothing c an also make you a target. If you do get stung, the following tips can help minimize the problems: Bumblebees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets can attack repeatedly, so if you get stung, get out of the area immediately.If you're stung by a yellow jacket, avoid swatting at it. Crushing the venom sac releases a chemical that incites its nest-mates to attack. Honeybees can sting only once, but the stinger and venom sac they leave in your skin pump venom for two to three minutes. Remove them immediately, being careful not to squeeze the venom sac. The safest way to do this is to scrape them out with a credit card or the dull edge of a knife. If the stinger remains behind after you've scraped away the venom sac, remove it gently with tweezers. Making Your Own Natural Insect Repellent Herbalist Debra Nuzzi-St.Claire suggests combining the following essential oils to make a natural insect repellent: 1/2 ounce citronella oil 1/4 ounce lavender oil 1/8 ounce pennyroyal oil 1/8 ounce tea t ree oil 1/8 ounce jojoba oil Do not use this blend undiluted on your skin. Follow these instructions for diluting: To make an insect repellent oil that can be used on your body, add 16 ounces of jojoba or almond oil to the base oil mixture and blend thoroughly. For an insect repellent spray, add 16 ounces of vodka to the base oil mixture, pour into a spray bottle, and shake before using. III. PROCEDURE 1. Place ? rganic apple vinegar into a large mixing bowl 2. Mix into the organic apple vinegar ? cup of vodka. 3. Place 2 table teaspoons of citronella oil into the above stated mixture. 4. Mix thoroughly. 5. Using a funnel transfer contents of mixing bowl into a small spray bottle. 6. Apply literally for best effect. IV. MATERIALS * ? cup vodka * ? cup of organic apple vinegar * 2 teaspoons of citronella oil * Small spray bottle * Funnel * Bowl V. RESULTS & DISCUSSION TRIAL 1| TRIAL 2| TRIAL 3| * In our 1st trial, we use ? vodka and not totally fermented apple vinegar. And when we us e it, the product is not successful. * In our 2nd trial, we use ? vodka, 1 teaspoon of citronella oil and fermented apple vinegar. When we apply it, there are still bites of mosquito. It’s not successful again. | * In our last trial, we read the procedure carefully and followed it. We use the exact amount of vodka that should be ? cup, ? cup of totally fermented apple vinegar and 2 teaspoons of citronella oil and when we apply it. The product is successful. | VI. CONCLUSION: After the investigation is done, therefore we conclude that natural mosquito repellent is more safe and effective. And we can also make our own mosquito repellent than buying it.We’ll not be too aware of mosquito bites anymore because our product is natural and has safe side effects. And we also conclude that making this product is not costly. In fact, you’ll save more money and the more natural, the more effective it is. VII. RECOMMENDATION: After we made the product successful, we’r e offering recommendations for possible further study and more successful product. It is recommended giving more priority of our health is the most important. According to World Health Organization 1948, â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. People should also give attention to our nature, because there are hidden treasures to make our health healthy. If you want to experiment, 1st thing you should do is to observe. Then you follow carefully the steps to become successful in the experiment. Next, think for the materials that are not expensive. Always prioritize to save money as much as possible. Then last, create a product that will help the people and the mother earth. Like our product, â€Å"NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLENT†.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gas Diffusion Essay

OBJECTIVES: Determine the gas diffusion coefficient of acetone using the established Winkelmann’s method KEYWORDS Diffusivity, Gas Diffusion Coefficient, Winkelmann’s method OVERVIEW The knowledge of physical and chemical properties of certain materials is important because very often process engineering deal with the transformation and distribution of these materials in bulk. One such property is diffusivity. Mass transfer by diffusion takes place when there is a concentration gradient of the diffusing component. Naturally, the diffusion in gas phase is much faster than the diffusion in liquid phase due to the small spaces between the molecules that hinder other molecule movement. Other factors that will effect the diffusion are temperature, density, concentration and other external factors. 1. INTRODUCTION This experiment has been designed for students experiment on the technique of determining diffusivity of the vapor of a volatile liquid based on the established Winkelmann’s method. In this method the volatile liquid is allowed to evaporate in a vertical glass tube over the top of which a stream of vapor-free gas is passed. A water bath is provided for maintaining a steady temperature so that there is no eddy current in the vertical tube and mass transfer takes place from the surface by molecular diffusion alone. The rate of evaporation can be followed by the rate of fall of the liquid surface. A traveling microscope is provided for determining, the liquid fall. With the knowledge of the concentration gradient, the diffusivity of  the vapor of the volatile liquid can then be calculated. 2.THEORY When a concentration gradient exists within a fluid consisting of two or more components, there is a tendency for each constituent to flow in such a direction as to reduce the concentration gradient. This is called mass transfer. Mass transfer takes place in either a gas phase or a liquid phase or in both simultaneously. When a liquid is allowed to evaporate in a narrow vertical tube and a steady temperature is maintained, mass transfer takes place from the surface by molecular diffusion alone. This is the technique developed by Winkelmann to determine the diffusivity of the vapor of a volatile liquid. By monitoring the evaporation rate, which is the rate of fall of liquid surface, and with the knowledge of concentration gradient, one may then calculate the diffusivity. The rate of mass transfer is given by: (1) where, D=diffusivity [m2/s] CA=saturation concentration at interface [kmol/m3] L=effective distance of mass transfer [m] CT=total molar concentration [kmol/m3] CBm=logarithmic mean value of CB [kmol/m3] Considering the evaporation of the liquid: (2) where, L=density of liquid [kg/m3] M=molecular weight [kg/kmol] Combining equations 1 and 2 we get, (3) Integrating and putting L = L0 at t = 0: (4) Values of L0 or L will not be measured accurately but accurate values of (L – L0) are available. Thus, rearranging equation 4: or,(5) A plot of t/ against will give a slope s: (6) Diffusivity D can then be calculated from equation 6: 3.START UP AND SHUT- DOWN PROCEDURES 3.1Start-up Procedure Prior to running an experiment, students are advised to perform the following start-up procedure: 1.Fill the water bath with clean (preferably filtered) water to approximately 30 mm from the top. 2.Plug the mains cable to the electrical supply. Be sure that the voltage of the supply is correct to suit the equipment. 3.Switch on the main power on the control panel. 4.Adjust the set-point value on the temperature controller to 50  °C. Warning!!Do not set the temperature controller beyond 70  °C. 5.Switch on the heater. Observe the water temperature heats up to 50  °C and remains constant. 6.Switch on the air pump. Adjust the needle valve so that a steady low velocity of air stream is detected at the end of the flexible tubing. 7.The equipment is now ready for student experiment. b)Priming Procedure for the Capillary Tube Before using the capillary tube in an experiment using acetone, students are advised to clean the inside of the tube. 1.Prepare a weak solution of detergent. 2.Use a Hirschmann pipette to fill the tube with the solution. Tapping the outside of the tube may be necessary if the solution is trapped and does not flow down. 3.Turn the tube upside-down and shake. Empty the tube. 4.Repeat steps 2 to 3 with acetone. 5. The tube is now ready for student experiment. c)Shut-down Procedure After the completion of an experiment, students are advised to shut down the equipment as follows: 1.Switch off the heater and air pump. 2.Adjust the set-point value of the temperature controller to approximately 5 degree below the room temperature. 3.Allow the water to cool down until it is safe to touch. Open the drain valve and empty the water tank. 4.Detach the flexible tubing and clean the capillary tube for next use. (Refer to priming procedure) 5.Switch off the main power. Unplug the main cable if the equipment will not be used for a long period. 4.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 1. Perform the start-up procedure as outlined in section 3. 2.Initially switch off the air pump. 3.Partially fill the capillary tube with acetone to a depth of about 35 mm. 4.Carefully insert the capillary tube through the fitting on top of the water bath cover. Do not over-tighten the fitting. 5.Observe the initial level of acetone through the microscope. Record the level in the table. 6.Connects the flexible tubing from the air pump line to one end of the capillary tube. Switch on the air pump. 7.After 10 minutes, switch off the air pump. Disconnect the flexible tubing and detach the capillary tube from the fitting. Observe and record the level of the acetone. 8. Repeat steps 5 to 6 at 10 minutes intervals. 9. Record the time, acetone level and liquid fall in the table below. 5.0RESULT Time, t (ks) Level of Acetone, L (mm) Liquid Fall (L – L0) (mm) t/(L – L0) (ks/mm) 6.0TUTORIALS 6.1 Plot t/ against. Determine gas diffusivity, D from the obtained slope, s. Attached all of your calculation at the appendix in the experiment report. 6.2 Compare the experimental value with the theoretical value that can be predicted from empirical equations (e.g. modified Maxwell’s equation by Gilliland). 6.3 Discuss the factors that effect the diffusion of acetone from the graph that have been plotted. 6.4 Base on objective of the experiment and the theory in gas diffusion makes a conclusion from your finding. 7.0 SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE General Safety Procedure 1.Always read and understand the manual properly before attempting to operate the equipment. 2.Always wear proper attire during laboratory session. It is highly recommended that eye protection and gloves are used. 3.Be careful when handling hazardous material. Always refer to the material safety data sheet. Avoid inhaling in great amount any hazardous material. 4.Avoid any spillage onto electrical components to prevent electrical shock. 5.Avoid touching hot surfaces (e.g. heater) to prevent skin burn. 6.Always conduct experiment in a properly ventilated room. General Maintenance Procedure 1.Do not operate the equipment if any of the components is found to be faulty. Consult the instructor for assistance. 2.Disconnect the equipment from electrical supply when not in use. 3.Drain the water from the water bath. 4.Clean the water bath thoroughly after use. Values for Calculation: 1. Ï  L = 760.0 kg/m3 2. M = 58.08 kg/kmol 3. Partial pressure P* = 0.8062 atm 4. where for acetone, CB1=0.0377 kmol/m3 CB2=0.00731 kmol/m3 CA=0.0304 kmol/m3 CT=0.0377kmol/m3

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Equal Pay for Equal Work Essay

In society today, â€Å"full-time working women earn just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns,† (, for putting in same amount of effort. This injustice is unacceptable in this day in age when women are more involved in society, both politically and socially, than ever before. Women should have equal pay to men for the same amount of work they do because it is not only their right but they have the education to support their position in the workforce. Women are as educated or in some cases even more educated than men. Data collected in studies revealed ,†25-34 year old women were 21 percent more likely than men to be a college graduate† ( in 2013. If women are graduating college at a greater rate than men, then it is illogical for females to be paid less than men, who are increasingly becoming less qualified themselves when compared to the female population. Not only are women graduating undergraduate college but, â€Å"women account for almost half of students in JD, MBA, and MD programs† ( in recent years. Some might argue that, although women are getting educated, if they want to be paid more, then they need to start choosing career paths that suit their goal salary. But the fact of the matter is, â€Å" college educated women ages 30-34 are now as likely to be employed as doctors, dentists, lawyers, professors, managers, and scientist as traditionally female-dominated occupations such as teachers, nurses, librarians, secretaries, or social worker,† (, and yet they are still getting paid less than men. So, the problem is not that women are not striving for a high paying career, rather their effort is not being appreciated. Women are not only qualified to be awarded the same salary as men, but it is their right as well. In 1963 the Equal Pay Act which â€Å"prohibits covered employers from discriminating on the basis of sex by paying unequal wages for equal work,† (Sobieski) was signed into law by former President John F. Kennedy. This means that neglecting to pay a female worker the same as a male worker, who has the same occupation, is technically against the law. It is important to  understand that is act does not elevate the female population over men, but fairly brings both genders to an equal playing field in the workforce. Another law that can support this injustice is the â€Å"Public Law 88-352† ( which was passed by Congress in 1964. This civil right also† forbade discrimination on the basis of sex† ( in the workforce. As the data exposes, this prejudice against women is uncalled for and ultimately illegal. This social issue is incredibly unjust and belittling to the female population. It needs to be dealt with immediately. Women are not only as competent and educated as men, but they also have the legal right to get paid equally to men. Yet, every day, women are being ignored and unappreciated for all the work and effort they put into society. It is only possible for women to overcome this unfair treatment, if they take action and fight for what they deserve. Women need to be informed of their rights presented in acts such as the Equal Pay Act, and stand up for themselves when these rights are violated. Work Cited â€Å"Did You Know That Women Are Still Paid Less Than Men?† The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. Sobieski, John L. â€Å"Equal Pay Act.† American Government. ABC-CLIO, n.d. Web. 7 May 2014. â€Å"Women’s Participation in Education and in the Workforce.† Counsel of Economic Advisors, 12 Mar. 2014. Web. 8 May 2014. â€Å"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.† National Archives and Research Administration. National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. 08 May 2014

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trace Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trace Evidence - Essay Example The main biological molecule of target for forensic analysis is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is present in all cells of all organisms. Biological evidences at the scene of the crime thus serve as essential resources for DNA that could be employed in the forensic analysis of a criminal case. DNA from cells of both the victim(s) and the assailant(s) may be extracted from biological materials that are collected from the crime scene. With the proper application of molecular biology techniques, DNA could be extracted from forensic samples and subjected to DNA analysis. The main procedure employed in the analysis of DNA is the polymerase chain reaction, which is an enzymatic process that generates several copies of DNA based on the sequence of a template DNA (Giardina et al., 2009). The reaction involves a bacterial enzyme that has the capacity to withstand high temperatures that are required for DNA amplification. The amplified DNA fragments are then subjected to a separation assay called agarose gel electrophoresis, which mainly involves running the DNA according to its molecular weight in the presence of an electric field. The fragments are then expected to migrate through the gel and stop at its corresponding molecular size. Both the victim and the suspect's DNA samples are subjected to the polymerase chain reaction, as this will allow the identification of the source of each biological material that is collected at the crime scene. The most common DNA sequences involved in forensic analysis are the short tandem repeats (STRs), which are usually between 20 to 100 nucleotides in length and highly variable in the human population. It is thus expected that every individual in the human society may carry a different sequence in the STRs and the only other individuals that could have a match with a person are those of his parents or his children. Other biological materials that could be collection from the scene of a crime include insects, as well as pollen, that may be present on and within the body of the victim. It should be understood that a human body immediately undergoes the process of decomposition within the first hour after the individual dies. Insects deposit eggs within the first few hours of death and these develop into larvae, or maggots, that are often observed in a body that has been left in the open for a couple of days (Nazni et al., 2008). Forensic entomology allows the researcher to identify the species of the larvae, as well as to determine the age of the larvae in terms of developmental stages or instars. This estimation plays a critical role in determining the time of death of the victim. The presence of pollen on the body of the victim of a criminal case may also provide information on whether the victim was murdered at the site or was otherwise transferred from one place to another. Every place has a specific collection of pollen, and this is mainly based from the types of plants and trees that are present in the area. If a crime was performed within a forest, then the pollen that could be collected on the body of the victim should be of those that were derived from the plants and trees of that same forest. If the pollen collected from the body of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Humanities Ethics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Humanities Ethics - Coursework Example This fundamental principle is what guides Immanuel Kant’s ethical system. According to Emmanuel Kant, categorical imperative is the standard of rationality upon which moral requirements are based. Categorical imperative is a formal technique that is used to evaluate any morally applicable action (Timmerman 23). In order to determine whether an action is morally right, the categorical imperative is used as a source of moral justification. Kant understood that moral law is by nature rational, impartial, and universal. For instance, an imperative is a command such as ‘Close the door!’ or ‘Come here!’ therefore; an imperative is either categorical or imperative. Kant defined Hypothetical imperatives as commands that are used to fulfill particular human goals and desires and he considered them dependent upon personal situations. As such, they are limited to specific circumstances, or to the people who have these dispositions. He argued that hypothetical im peratives are not necessarily impractical. In fact, he conceded that human beings live by these imperatives values in their everyday lives (Timmons 22). However, he noted that these imperatives are non-moral. If any action is performed as a means to an end then that action is based on a hypothetical imperative. ... On the other hand, it is categorical because it applies to those who possess the rational will without taking into consideration what ends they might have or might not have (Timmerman 57). However, its application to the rational humanity is not based on any condition that is, for any act to be deemed as a categorical imperative, it must prove to be good in itself and conforms to reason (Timmerman, 76). It must embody the ability to universalize the action. That is, in a similar circumstance, other people would act in accordance with the same rules. 4. Are the hypothetical imperatives in relation to Kant and right theories apply in the contemporary families? The main difference between categorical and hypothetical imperatives is that categorical imperative requires that we must act in accordance with it without exception. However, hypothetical imperative is limited to specific circumstances for instance; it allows that if one is tired, they are free to bed. Categorical imperative doe s not obligate humanity to undertake any particular action rather; it demands that actions should meet particular condition (Timmerman 36). Human being must be able to ensure that the maxim behind his or her action can be replicated by anyone else in a similar situation. 5. What are the relation and implication of Kant and maxim in the contemporary world? Kant figured out categorical imperative from two maxims; objectivity and respect for all persons. According to the objectivity maxim, an action is right only if would be right for any other individual in similar situation. The maxim of respect states that an act is right so long as it treats others as ‘ends in themselves’. It is important to note that categorical imperative is not directly

Monday, August 26, 2019

International Developments of Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

International Developments of Accounting - Essay Example After complete analysis it was observed that British airways have been in trouble deeply due the problems of loss in revenue, cheap air line competitions and others. On the other side Emirates enjoys good amount of profits and reputation and its free from problems. Recommendation is being made for British Airways to actively change their approach towards customer management and give special discounts and promotion apart from other advertising techniques in order to take care of current crises. In the last an analysis of performed in between US GAAP and IFRS and it was concluded that IASB and FASB should actively coordinate with each and try to get a reasonable solution for this dilemma so that the world of accounts is uniformed with IFRS and being followed by all the countries in the world. Introduction After the incident of 9/11 there were many things which got changed. One of the major changes which the companies have seen is the Airline industries falling from the Sky to earth. Th is was due to the fact that the aero planes were used for terrorism purposes. People avoided to travel by Air instead they use other means of getting from one place to other. Further to increase the problem recent recession gives all the businesses in the world a tough time. Airline industry was given further tough time and got financial crunch. In order to get our purpose we have selected British Airways as one of the Company and other airline selected is Emirates (A UAE based airliner). The Financial Data was compared using the Ratio Analysis. About The Airlines British Airways The flag carrier of Britain is known as British Airways. Headquarter of the airline is based in Waterside which is near the hub of the Airline at London Heathrow Airport. This is the largest airline of United Kingdom in term of Fleet size, international flight and international destination. Emirates Emirates airline is the national airline of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Emirates are the largest airline of Middle East. It carries around 2,400 passengers per week. Headquarter of the airline is based in Dubai. (British Airways) (Emirates n.d.) Financial Statements Analysis We will analyze the financial statements ratios in the following criteria. 1. Profitability 2. Liquidity/Solvency 3. Working capital efficiency 4. Long term financial structure 5. Investors’ perspective Profitability Return on equity In case of British Airways, the return on equity their percentage of return to equity holder is on a declining trend. The return on equity in the year 2009 was in the negative zone at 19% and the losses further increases in the year 2010 which makes the return on equity to further negative zone by 1% i.e. 20% in total. (Emirates) Whereas, in case of Emirates Airline is stated at 5% in the year 2009

Is terrorism ever justified Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Is terrorism ever justified - Essay Example Terrorism cannot be justified because it causes fear and anxiety among peaceful populations. To some extent, it must be acknowledged that the fear of Arab terrorism among the American population has been cultivated, and that this cultivation clearly implicates the American media. This does not mean that other of the "institutional means of influence" are without fault (Reich and Laqueur 71). For example, fundamentalist Christianity inside the United States (whose churches and televangelists frequently view Israeli dominance as the fulfillment of biblical prophecy) clearly contributes to the real anti-Semitism in the United States. However, compared to the other ideological institutions, media influence is virtually universal and potentially life-long for the population. In a context of alienation, the media becomes both a tranquilizer and a source of the sharpening of images for dramatic effect (Kushner 360). Violence as a part of the terror attack cannot be justified. In the dominant view, those who perpetrate outsider violence are often portrayed as irrational or crazed, exercising a twisted thirst for blood. A political economy of terrorism must take note of such efforts, probing theoretically the structure of ideological systems, and placing these in a material context. Following Singh: "There is almost an infinite variety of violence of anti-social nature-homicide, acts of vandalism, arson, destructive rage, or other expressions of an essentially irrational urge to strike at someone or something" (Singh 377). Beyond this, a political economy of terrorism must place statist behavior in a world system context. However, terror is not confined to purely instrumental linkages between specific nation states and the misdeveloping world. The modern state may be quite "rational" in its projection of national power on a world scale through military force, covert intelligence operations, and e conomic sanctions (Edwards n.d.). State power may be used quite "systematically" to maintain an order of inequality with both global and domestic dimensions. And all of this may be done in the name of national sovereignty and international law. Indeed, it may be a function of lawyers working for the state to find "lawful" reasons for policies of international and national intimidation (Egendorf 2004). Terrorism cannot be justified because it involves the systematic use of torture and the rise of military and police forces engaged in an internal war against a subject population. This form of terrorism may also be waged through shadow organizations, death squads, and the like that have no official power but that are clearly linked with the national elite (Egendorf 2004). However, to focus on regime terror is often deceptive. To cast the issue of terrorism as the abuse of state power by political deviants may be to ignore the more endemic, taken-for-granted, higher forms of sanctioned violence that avoid the terrorist label. It may also ignore state structural imperatives (expressed in policy and action, including the threat or use of force) designed to preserve a transnational market system. At the international level, the higher terrorism takes different forms. It is ironic that in the political lexicon of terrorism, war between states is routinely omitted. Indeed, the architects o f the state may subscribe to humanitarian codes

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Routing Protocol Security Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Routing Protocol Security - Dissertation Example The Pervasive nature of the existing information infrastructure when coupled with cyber terrorism related threats makes the security of the network infrastructure an area of interest for network or computer security researchers. While a significant amount of research has been done on the content of security information, and software development, securing of the network infrastructure has increasingly become an issue of concern over the years.   The key critical infrastructure security entails securing of the routing infrastructure. According to Jones & Moigne   (2006) abuse of routine protocol and mechanism is perhaps the simplest available protocol-based attack. Recently, the emergence response team highlighted the imminent need for ensuring that routing infrastructure becomes secured (Yasser, 2007). According to Russell (2003) routers are widely used by intruders as common platforms for activity scanning. They are also reported to be less protected by the security policy (Tanen baum,   2003). For purposes of routing, the infrastructure is often categorized into two domains. These are inter-domain and intra-domain (IETF, John & Moy, 1998). Generally, the whole routing infrastructure entails a collection of the intra-domain routing regions often connected through the inter-domain functionality (John, 2005). An intra-domain routing environment, which is commonly referred to as the Autonomous System, is often administered using an administrative authority (John, 2005). As often is the case, this authority owns routers.... These are inter-domain and intra-domain (IETF, John & Moy, 1998). Generally, the whole routing infrastructure entails a collection of the intra-domain routing regions often connected through the inter-domain functionality (John, 2005). An intra-domain routing environment, which is commonly referred to as the Autonomous System, is often administered using an administrative authority (John, 2005). As often is the case, this authority owns routers within its domain although this does not necessarily include all the links that connect all the intra-domain routers. Within an automated system, the routing protocols that are most commonly deployed in Autonomous System, are the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) alongside the Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate System routing protocols. The two protocols are based upon the link-state routing OSPF v2 Routing protocol, which is a link-state routing protocol that was developed purposely for the internet Protocol networks. OSPF is often based upon the relative cost of transferring the information between hops such as the networks and routers. This protocol is, most often than not, categorized into an interior-Gateway protocol with an intension of running it internally in the AS (Cisco Systems Inc, 2009). This protocol is mostly distributed in the AS amongst various routers and it provides an allowance for building similar representation of the network topology belonging to AS. This is often realized through publishing (LSAs) or Link state Advertisement by routers (Cisco Systems Inc, 2009). The routers then construct a tree of shortest-path to various destinations maintaining itself as a root. It then routes the IP packets via the internet basing on the IP addresses. If a topological change

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Activist Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Activist Letter - Essay Example This moisture brings about the cooling effect on the earth surface. In brief, these mean that chop the trees off and raise the global temperatures. If the global temperature increases then there will be a percentage increase of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trees regulate the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by utilizing it during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide level has consequently accumulated to alarming levels due to tree falling. Large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere deplete the ozone layer (Prout, Tanya and Daniel 172). The harmful ultraviolet sun rays, therefore, reach the ground thus causing skin cancer. Trees are known to provide a cheap source of energy. Charcoal and firewood is mostly used by people in most part of the world to provide energy. Industries and local homes benefit from this as coal, and petroleum products seem to be expensive compared to tree products. Once one tree is brought down, it should be a must for it to be replaced by planting another tree. Failure to do that, it will result in the decline in biodiversity or it may cause an extinction of many species. Even those using trees as sources of energy will find it hard if trees are cut and not replaced. Down of microbial community are exposed and killed by the adverse weather caused by cutting down of trees, hence bacteria’s helps in recycling nutrients that might pollute water and render it unclean for drinking In conclusion, if the biodiversity of this earth is to be maintained then let the trees are protected and conserved. It is as if every living thing on earth depends on trees for clean air, water and as energy sources just to name a

Friday, August 23, 2019

SELF REFLECTION ON INDUCTION ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SELF REFLECTION ON INDUCTION ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example This made it easy to understand the relationship among the various industries such as education and business among many others all of which sought to benefit on the booming tourism industry. The research therefore covered the topic of the assignment effectively. The introductory paragraph provides an overview to the economy of the resort town. Successive paragraphs analyze the growth of the industry throughout the history of the town. Tourism dates back to 1810. The trade has remained the main economic activity in the city. The history of tourism in the city provides a perfect platform to compare the state of tourism to day and back then. This portrays the growth of the sector and the numerous strategies both the government of the United Kingdom and the local authorizes continue to employ in order to enhance the growth of a sector that sustains the economy of the entire city. After the history, the other chapters discuss the state of infrastructure that sustains the trade. Such basic features as means of transport, security and state of infrastructure in the city are some of the basic features that continue to enhance the growth of the industry. I researched and present ed the findings chronologically thereby developing a sequential flow of ideas in the paper. The rapid development of the tourism industry in Bournemouth is a portrayal of the strategies used by the government of the United Kingdom to grow the industry. As discussed earlier, the government uses various strategies including the creation of various annual and bi annual ceremonies all of which continue to attract thousands of tourists into the city. Additionally, the government has facilitated the development of infrastructure in the city. Such basic infrastructure as roads, railway lines and road networks among many others are factors that continue to present the city as a conducive society for tourists. The long sandy beaches and the hospitable and luxury hotels are among the key attractions

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Literary Analys Essay Example for Free

Letter from Birmingham Jail Literary Analys Essay Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,† was written in 1963; during the time African Americans were fighting for equality among races. We can tell this by the vocabulary used in his writing such as â€Å"Negro,† which was used at one time, and is no longer considered, â€Å"politically correct. â€Å" The purpose for the letter is that Martin Luther King Jr. was trying to convince the white clergymen that him and his â€Å"People’s† actions were completely unnecessary for the situation. When doing this, he uses critical and persuasive tones to try to influence the reader to agree with him. Martin Luther King Jr. provides a valid argument using logos, pathos, and ethos throughout his letter. The use of comparison in Dr. King’s letter makes the African American’s trouble of segregation seems, just about holy. He compares being arrested for his peaceful but illegal actions to the crucifixion of Jesus for his â€Å"unique God-consciousness and never-ceasing devotion.† Martin Luther King, Jr. ties himself to God by suggesting that above constitutional rights and legal laws are God-given rights, and these rights are the ones that he and his followers are supporting. He says that just laws, are laws that â€Å"Square with moral law or the law of God.† King resumes this religious association in his last paragraph, where he mentions blacks who conduct sit-ins as â€Å"children of God† who stand up for â€Å"the most scare Values in our Judeo-Christian heritage.† These similarities make Dr. King and his men seem to be fighting an almost heavenly cause, one that has the support of God and of history. King also uses his voice through writing to educe emotion. Aside from his associations to God and Socrates, which may help religious readers better connect to his message, Martin Luther King Jr., writes about the emotional suffering that blacks went through due to segregation and prejudice. He replies to whites telling blacks to â€Å"wait† for desegregation by bringing up several murders committed by whites on blacks, including lynching, drowning, and police cruelty. He continues on these emotional out looks by expressing how children begin to become disturbed by segregation when they realize that they are considered lesser to whites. King uses definite examples, such as a daughter who finds out that she can’t visit an amusement park because it is closed to colored children, and a son who asks, â€Å"Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?† He shows how the build-up of these thoughts in black children eventually turn into hatred for whites when he says, â€Å"There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair.† All of these statements help the reader see just how blacks were disturbed beyond decency and rightfulness. King’s use of emotional writing helps readers develop sympathy for the segregated. Martin Luther King Jr., is trying to tell the white clergymen what he feels they are doing wrong. He uses so many different emotional pulls at the attempt to grab their attention. He does a great job of doing this through referring to the bible and about children. Through the use of rhetorical strategies, Martin Luther King Jr. countered the clergymens argument. He also got their attention due to his unique strategy of directly addressing his readers, the clergymen, to create the base of his argument. From there, King is able to shatter his opponents claims. This way of arguing allowed King to present his argument with more authority to achieve his goal: justify the reasons for nonviolent demonstrations against segregation. I feel as if Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail† had a great impact on the rights of black people during his time. The fact that is still read today proves it’s a great piece of writing. From my point of view he was in the right with every opinion he expressed; I honestly don’t see how you couldn’t agree with him. His writing is not only changing the world, but is entertainment to read. In the closing of his letter he says â€Å"I hope this letter finds you strong in the faith. I also hope that the circumstances will soon make it possible for me to meet each of you, not as integrationist or a civil-rights leader but as a fellow clergymen and a Christian brother.† This is the hope of many people; we are getting closer each day to having his hope become a reality. I believe this letter had a huge impact on many people’s lives, and will continue to change the world.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example for Free

The Civil Rights Movement Essay The Civil Rights Movement is one of the most well known social movements in American History. But have you ever stopped to think of what really makes up a movement? Social movements are demonstrations used to express dissatisfaction with a certain policy or practice. Movements are all made possible by devoted leaders, bold, ordinary citizens, community support, and political institutions. Although the aforementioned components make social movements possible, the main driving force for a successful movement- such as the Civil Rights Movement- is having bold individuals willing to take risks for the cause. People willing to risk their lives for a cause are the main factor that can push a movement to success. An example of a group of ordinary people that had a profound impact on the Civil Rights Movement is the Greensboro Four. The Greensboro Four were students at North Carolina AT that facilitated sit-ins at the Woolworth’s store â€Å"whites only† lunch counter. They were refused service and were asked to leave, but instead of fighting back or leaving, they merely sat at the lunch counter and waited to be served. They knew that they would not be served, but for the sake of making their point known they remained seated until the store closed. As a result of their protest, many other protesters followed in their footsteps in the following days. Each day, the Woolworth’s store was occupied by more and more African-American protesters. Sales at the store dropped drastically, and in the end the segregation policy at the store was abandoned. Protests in neighboring towns arose as the news of the Greensboro Four spread. The Greensboro Four helped bring integration to North Carolina quickly. They acted as models, and their success inspired other people to stand up for their rights. Without visionaries such as the Greensboro Four, people would not have taken the risk to protest against segregation. There would have been nobody to inspire ordinary people, and convince them that they could cause a change and get rid of segregation. The Greensboro Four, and other individuals that stood out like them, are a prime example of why the Civil Rights Movement was successful. The brave individuals took a risk to support their cause, despite the hardships they faced in the process. Their protests not only inspired other people to start their own protests, but they gave hope to people that were aspiring to eliminate segregation.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Pro Drop Parameter English Language Essay

A Pro Drop Parameter English Language Essay Pro-drop parameter is such a parameter for whether the declarative sentence in universal grammar can omit the subject. It is also known as null subject parameter, non-subject parameter. The so-called pro-drop phenomenon refers to the subject can be deleted in the declarative sentence (White, 1986). The pro-drop parameter (null subject parameter) proposed is based on the phenomenon of omitted subject pronouns in some language. The empty synonymous is commonly known as pro, the language of the subject can be omitted due to the pro appears only in subject position, or the language with no main statement can be called as pro-drop language. Whether the subject can be omitted constitutes a parameter in universal grammar, known as pro-drop parameter. Pro-drop parameter is a universal grammar parameter which is the most discussed (Chomsky and Lasnik, 1991). It is an important parameter to examine the second language acquisition effect in the study of the second language learning. Pro-drop parameter assumption studies the adult null subject phenomenon to show the object-drop in the childrens language, the basic premise of the theory is for the most grammar provides null subject parameter for language learners (White, 1986). This default parameter allows null subject, so only when the childs language environment provides them with clear evidence to prove their language cannot be null subject, it will lead them to reset the parameters. Different languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹have different pro-drop parameter values, that is, to determine whether the declarative sentence can omit the subject. Chomsky (2000) argues that the sentence has two levels, one is the deep structure (d-structure) to express the sentence vocabulary meaning, it is the concept structure in the brain before the people to talk; the other is the shallow structure (s -structure) to express the moving relationship of sentence elements, it is the sound people speak. Principles and parameters theory claims that empty synonymous pro only appears in d-structure, and does not appear in s-structure (Ouhalla, 2000). In the d-structure of the implied subject sentence, the subject is existed, invisible pro is taken as the subject, the main word syntactic component does not disappear, and it is still present in the speechs heart and brain syntax with psychological reality. In the s-structure of the implied subject, the subject is existed in the form of null, the subject form of this null is called pro. It knows that the pro is implied in s-structure. Although many studies have tried to explain second language learners like children acquisition native-like to set the open parameters, since the early 1980s, people found that the initial stage of the second language learners will transfer the parameters set in mother tongue (Gass and Schachter, 1989; Lydia, 1989, 1991). Here, taking the implied pro parameters for illustration here carries out a brief description of the similarities and differences in setting of this parameter in the native language. In addition, it will also explain the potential advantages are of the assumption there is a pro drop parameter. In childrens brain, the setting of the language parameter can be considered a switch: children adjust each parameter value according to their heard language material. Chomsky (2000) suggests that the transition from the initial state to a stable state is actually the process of setting switch direction (Cook and Newson, 2000, pp.110). Acquisition of English syntax means setting the all parameters in universal grammar according to the English habit, and the parameter settings are activated relying on linguistic evidence. Usually there are three linguistic à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹instances: positive evidence, direct negative evidence and indirect negative evidence. Positive evidence refers to the language heard by children. The linguistic instance heard by British children enables them to find English is a non-implicit pro parameter language. Spanish children will find that Spanish is the implicit pro parameter language. Direct negative evidence, also known as direct correc tion, is directly from the adult corrections. However, the direct correction is limited. Even if corrected directly, children also tend to ignore, thus the direct correction cannot be the main source for the children to obtain the language skills. Indirect negative evidence is such a language form for the children cannot hear. British children are impossible to hear such as Sits. statement, or reversed predicate word order, such as Sits he. So, some studies suggest that the indirect negative instance contributes to the setting of parameters. Hyams (1981) specifically studied the implicit pro parameter setting in the native language acquisition. She found that the British children could speak many sentences without subject like the Spanish, such as: Play it. Or No go in. At the same time, in their language they will leave the words such as it and there. Gradually, they began to understand that the English needs the lexical subject and added the function words it and there in sentence s. While the Spanish children in the beginning thought that Spanish is the language of the implicit parameter, and does not need to change. Hyams (1981) believes that in the acquisition of the mother tongue, the children regard the implied pro parameters as a default, it is, regardless of their language, always speak the sentences without subject, the children eventually found the parameter values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹from the positive evidence. Non-implied pro parameters language English uses impersonal Indefinite pronoun it in the sentences expressing weather: Its raining. In the presence of the sentence, there is used: Once upon a time, there were three bears. The emergence of expletive subject makes the British children were aware of the English is a non-implied subject language. Cook (2000: 90) argued that the basis for the universal grammar to explain language acquisition lies in the positive evidence plays a key role. Children are mainly from the positive evide nce rather than negative evidence to acquisition of the mother tongue. According to the universal grammar, the mother tongue acquisition process is language input principles and parameters native language syntax, and then whether the process of second language acquisition is the second language input principles and parameters second language syntax? It is found that: 1) the second language learners language knowledge is not enough, and the vast majority of people cannot achieve the equivalent level of mother tongue; 2) for children, the difficulty of acquisition of any language is the same, as long as language input, any language can perfectly be of acquisition. For second language learning, the situation is not the case, such as the native English people is much easier learning French than learning Chinese; 3) the development of the second language tends to occur fossilization phenomenon at some stage; 4) the second language learners ultimately achieve different levels of the language, their learning methods are also different (Towell and Hawkins, 1994). Therefore, we have reason to believe that second language learners indirectly used the universal grammar through the knowledge of the mother tongue. They took the parameter field of their native language as a starting point, gradually shifted the parameter field of the second language, and the essence is transfer. People conducted a large number of researches on the mother tongue as the second language acquisition of the implied subject or non-implied subject. The purpose for the study by White (1986) is to investigate whether the foreign students are influenced by the mother tongue parameter values in setting of the non-implied pro parameter values of English. The objects of study include two sets of intermediate English level of students: one group is 37 French students, and the other group is 32 Spanish students and 2 Italian students. French and English are the language of non-implied pro parameter, that is, to select a negative value in the subject parameter omitted, while the Spanish and Italian select a positive value. The two groups of subjects receive the test of English grammar judgment and conversion questions. The results showed that the Spanish and Italian students are easy to mistakenly accept the English sentences which omitted the subject. French students are rare to wrongly accept the English sentences which omitted the subject. Phinney (1987) carried out the bidirectional test to study the parameter settings. The subjects include the Spanish students learning English and the British students learning Spanish. By analyzing the composition of their foreign language, Phinney draw two important results: first the British students learning Spanish can correctly use the Spanish sentences which omitted the subject, and will not be wrongly used the filled subject; Second, the Spanish students learning English can easy to wrongly use the omitted subject pronoun in clause and the filled subject in English. The objects of the study by Liceras (1989) are the students learning Spanish, including 2 French students and 32 British students. She found that even primary level of Spanish students correctly judged incorrectly filled subject of Spanish sentences, and can understand Spanish can omit the subject. While the students with advanced Spanish level performed even better. We can draw from the above empirical studies that the pro-drop parameter settings in foreign language acquisition are summarized as follows: 1) When the implicit pro parameter values of mother tongue and foreign language à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹are the same, the mother tongue can facilitate the acquisition of foreign language. English and French must not omit the subject, the French students in acquisition of English are rarely false acceptance subject of English sentences, native parameter values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹take place the positive transfer; 2) A non-native language is non-implicit pro parameter language, that is, the selected parameter value is negative, while the foreign language is an implicit pro parameter language, that is, the selected parameter value is positive, the mother tongue parameter values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹will be negative transfer to the foreign language learning, but the effect is temporary, and the re-setting of the parameter values is not very difficult; 3) The mother tongue selected the positive value of subject omitted parameter, and the foreign language selected the negative value of subject parameter; the mother tongue will produce more lasting negative impact on foreign language learning, while the foreign language learning is prone to be rigid. However, it should be noted that studying from the view of the theory of universal grammar is bound to focus on access to knowledge in grammar, in particular the acquisition of knowledge of the syntactic structure. The limitations of the universal grammar theory prevent people to examine the language use level. This is because, according to Chomskys (2000) views, language behavior is the actual use of these rules by a person listens to or speaks, that is also called as the language ability and performance. Language behavior is just an indirect and incomplete reflection on the language skills, which is often influenced by many factors and does not reflect the true language ability, it is hard to be through language skills or language behavior performance to understand the language ability, the study of language should point directly to the language ability of dominant language behavior (Yip, 1989). Therefore, the scope of pro-drop parameter assumption is only limited to the acquisitio n of language structure, namely the establishment of parameters, which shows a very micro level, many of the indicators associated with the second language learning are unable to insight. In addition, linguists Fillmore (1991) argued that universal grammar and general cognitive mechanisms are associated with second language acquisition. In the acquisition process of second language, the role of universal grammar cannot be ignored, but the second language learning is different from the native language acquisition. With young children grew older, general cognitive ability and strategy increasingly play a more important role compared to UG. From psychology, especially psycholinguistic perspective to explore childrens second language learning may well be another important avenue of research. Thus, the single perspective of study makes people get the above conclusions, multi-angle and multi-channel study will receive more comprehensive and objective conclusions and will get more in-depth, substantive understanding of English education mode.

Is Anything Certain? Essay -- Philosophy, Unger, Hitherto

Peter Unger maintains that all knowledge requires certainty. Moreover, since he insists that nothing can be known for certain, Unger concludes that â€Å"nobody ever knows anything to be so† (Unger, 42). This is Unger’s argument: 1. â€Å"If someone knows something to be so, then it is all right for the person to be absolutely certain that it is so† (42). 2. â€Å"It is never all right for anyone to be absolutely certain that anything is so† (43). 3. Therefore, â€Å"[n]obody ever knows that anything is so† (43). Succinctly, nobody can know anything. As â€Å"anything† makes explicit, Unger suggests that we cannot have knowledge of our own existence, external objects, past or present experiences or even that 1+1=2. He also insists that knowing anything with certainty is inherently dogmatic. Being certain involves a negative attitude; it implies that nothing (new information, evidence or experience) â€Å"will be seriously considered to be at all relevant to any possible change in one’s thinking in the matter† (44). Unger defines this as the attitude of certainty. This is why it is wrong â€Å"for anyone to be absolutely certain†. I agree with Unger and concede that (2) is correct. However, Unger’s rejection to the attitude of certainty leads to the rejection of all knowledge. This is where Unger is an error. I intend to argue that premise (1) is dubious and that knowledge requires justified true belief but never certainty itself. Before continuing, I must clarify Unger’s notion of certainty. Hitherto, I have used Unger’s notion of certainty (denoted in italics) without explanation. Certain is an absolute adjective analogous to the concept of flat. An absolute adjective is or is not. A board, for example, is flat iff it lacks any changes in gradi... ...nger’s first premise). 2. Knowledge is justified belief with confidence. 3. Being confident, but not certain, allows for changes in opinion/belief in the face of new information and experiences (avoiding Unger’s attitude of certainty). 4. Knowledge with confidence, but being susceptible to new information is not dogmatic. 5. People can know things with confidence without being dogmatic. 6. Therefore, people can justifiably and confidently know that some things are so. The above argument allows for things to be known but in a non-dogmatic manner. Although, knowledge with confidence (but not certainty) can be considered a weak sense of knowledge, it avoids the skeptical conclusion while also avoiding Unger’s attitude of certainty. With the ability to amend and modify justified beliefs (knowledge), certainty is inherently absent from this notion of knowledge.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Black Southenrner :: essays research papers

Black Southerners   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the years most of us have read a great deal about the institution of slavery and it’s effects on this country and the African American race as a whole. The fact of the matter is most of us have only learned certain information about slavery. There are only certain facts and historical figures that we lean about. No to say that the information we get is wrong, but we were not taught the whole story. This could be due to the approach of different instructors or because school curriculums are supposed to focus on the interesting facts and stories about slavery. The fact of the matter is there are some areas that go untouched when learning about slavery in most schools. Reading the book Black Southerners was something different for me. It was like some one opened a door and when I entered in I found hidden facts and knowledge about an institution that has a tremendous effect on my country and this history of race.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John B. Boles is the author of Black Southerners, and before he even discusses slavery itself he acknowledges that most people have preconceived notions about not just about slavery but about history as a whole. Boles says: Part of the mythology every schoolchild in the United States learns†¦is that the colony of Virginia achieved quick prosperity upon the basis of slaves and tobacco. Thus, â€Å"the South† is assumed to have existed as an initial settlement, with little change until the cataclysm of the Civil War in 1861. Boles discusses the beginnings of slavery in the seventeenth century and he clearly states the common misconceptions of readers and students: Some present-day readers believe slavery began in Jamestown in 1619†¦if such readers are aware of slavery’s existence in the ancient world, the assume it had become extinct until New World plantations arose with their greed for cheap labor. Boles writes on how slavery was indeed something that started in the Ancient world, and also it was not something that was racial motivated instead â€Å"as in the ancient system, slaves were usually captives of war†¦with religion, not race, being the crucial factor.† He notions the fact that â€Å"not all blacks were slaves.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An important element that should not go unnoticed is how Boles describes how the institution of slavery changed dramatically over time. In it’s early years it was an institution that was not based on race, but more on war, religion, and legal status.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Gabriel García Márquez) and The House of Bernarda Alba (Frederico García Lorca) :: essays papers

Chronicle of a Death Foretold, by Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez and â€Å"The House of Bernarda Alba†, by Frederico Garcà ­a Lorca People will do and say almost anything to protect their reputations. Their reputations become such a large part of their lives that their thoughts and actions revolve around protecting and maintain them. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, by Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez and â€Å"The House of Bernarda Alba†, by Frederico Garcà ­a Lorca, the characters focus their lives on building and maintaining good reputations. Bernarda’s life totally revolved around her reputation. The Vicario brothers got so caught up in trying to regain the family’s honor they were even willing to kill a man. Finally, In â€Å"In a Grove†, by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Tajomaru, Takehiko, and his wife all took credit for Takehiko’s death. They did this to receive some honor and try to better their reputations in a tough situation. Bernarda dedicates her life to insure that her family has a good reputation. She acts like this because she cares so much about what other people think of her. Bernarda is constantly regulating the things that her daughters can and can’t do. After their father’s death Bernarda wants to stick with tradition so she tells her daughters, â€Å"[d]uring our eight years of mourning no wind from the street will enter this house!† She is forcing her daughters to shut out whatever social life they had to stay in Bernarda’s â€Å"prison† for eight years and mourn their father’s death. She forces her daughters to stay in the house because she thinks that if she lets her daughters out people will think that they are not sad about their fathers death and Bernarda doesn’t want to give people a reason to talk about the family. Bernarda is so concerned what the neighbors think about the family that she tries to make sure that none of the familyâ₠¬â„¢s business leaks out of the house, so the neighbors won’t have anything to talk about. During a dispute in her house she says, â€Å"[t]he neighbors must have their ears glued to the walls.† She is terrified that the neighbors may have heard something and now they will have something to gossip about. Bernarda is so concerned about the image of her family that other people see, she even tells her family what to wear. When Bernarda’s daughter Martirio is going to go out into the courtyard, Bernarda says, â€Å"[v]ery well, but don’t take the kerchief off your head.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Samsung Distribution Channel

Samsung marketing strategy in china Nowadays, China’s communication industry is developing rapidly, and China has become the biggest mobile phone market all over the world. There are many international renowned mobile phone manufactures and local producers in this market and these companies are competing fiercely in China’s mobile phone industry. It is known that, in 1999, when the domestic mobile phone brands entered the mobile phone market, few people had expected that the domestic mobile phone brands would survive in this market. However, with the passage of time, the local brands made great development and their total market share surpassed that of the international mobile phone giants including Nokia and Motorola. In 2001, the market share of domestic mobile phone was 15%; in 2002, the rate was more than 30%; and in 2003, the market share rose to more than 50%, which was a historical breakthrough for the domestic brands. However, since 2004, the condition of China-made mobile phones has become negative. As the competition in this market gets fiercer, foreign mobile phone manufactures are consistently developing new brands and improving their distribution channels, and the domestic brands have lost the once-owned channel advantages. Because of some problems of domestic mobile phone industry, the market share rate has dropped dramatically, and most of the domestic mobile phone companies have suffered great losses. What was worse, some domestic mobile phone enterprises such as PANDA, EASTCOM, and SHOUXIN were so badly defeated that they were out of the Chinese mobile phone market. In this market with fierce competition, Samsung–a Korean mobile phone brand has developed quickly in recent years and continuously won the first place in market share. As one of the world’s top three major mobile phone manufacturers and the Korea phone leader, Samsung mobile phone’s product concept is â€Å"fashion-leading technology†. Its brand development strategy is to create the best products in the world. Samsung has created many number ones, such as the world’s first mobile phone that has a rotating screen–SGH-V200, the world’s first MP3 phone, the world’s first TV phone, watch phone and the world’s first CDMA/GSM dual-mode mobile phone. Samsung mobile phone is taking the high-end product strategy, which is different from Nokia and Motorola. In the high-end electronics market, Samsung is always the first to launch a variety of superior products and it always makes high profits by virtue of time advantage. In China in the year 2008, Samsung introduced 20 models of mobile phones, of which the appearance, the function and the quality are designed with advanced concepts, innovative technologies and world-class standard. Samsung mobile phones are always popular in China and the other countries all over the world. The success of the Samsung mobile phone enterprise in China lies in its unique industry background and professional strengths, and the company also benefits from research and development and the marketing strategies which are compatible with the environment. Marketing strategy is the marketing logic whereby the company hopes to achieve its marketing objectives, which includes special strategies for target markets, positioning, the marketing mix and marketing expenditure levels. Once the overall competitive marketing strategy is set, the company is ready to begin planning the details of the Marketing Mix, one of the major concepts in modern marketing. The Marketing Mix consists of many variables that the company should do to increase its product demand. These variables are known as the 4Ps: product, price, promotion and place (distribution). The reasonable Marketing Mix could help the company to establish strong positioning in the target markets. Based on the understanding of the importance of 4Ps Marketing Mix and its impact on China’s mobile phone industry, this paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction. It briefly introduces the research background and its academic and practical implications. Chapter two is the thorough analysis of current domestic mobile phone market. After the introduction to China’s mobile phone development history, this chapter mainly analyzes the internal and external environment of China’s mobile phone industry by virtue of the SWOT Analysis Method. Though the analysis, it is known that domestic mobile phones have some advantages, such as the cost advantage, localization advantage and fast market reaction advantage. The weaknesses of the domestic mobile phones are that the core technologies are weak, mobile phone qualities are not guaranteed, there is serious product homogenization and most of the domestic mobile phone enterprises are on a small scale. It is certain that the local mobile phone industry has many opportunities for its development, which include the sound economic conditions, the support from the government, the coming of 3G era and the coming of phone replacement rush. However, domestic mobile phone companies do face some threats, such as the threats from copycat mobile phones and the international mobile phone’s fierce competition. Chapter three is the introduction to Samsung mobile phone and the analysis of its successful marketing strategies in China. In this chapter, it is known that Samsung’s successful marketing strategies could mainly be expressed by the variables in its Marketing Mix. In product, Samsung is always focusing on producing high quality products to build strong brand image and enhance the brand value, offering perfect after sale services to own good reputation, launching continuous product innovation to maintain brand image and brand vitality and supplying distinctive and fashionable designs to maintain brand differences. In price, Samsung has effectively assessed the value and the quality of its digital electronic products, the importance of the product’s unique, stylish design and knows that the consumers are willing to pay high price for such products, and therefore it adopted the skim pricing strategy. In channel strategies, Samsung has always insisted on national agents, and it has prudently selected the national agents to do its distribution. In terms of the promotion strategies, Samsung always focuses on unifying advertising agencies and launching a series of effective advertising campaigns. Two of its excellent promotion strategies are launching a variety of sports sponsorship, focusing on Olympic TOP Program and making use of entertainment activities to enhance fashion marketing, which proved to be qui te effective. Chapter four concluded some implications to the local mobile phone industry. It is suggested that, in terms of the product, the domestic manufactures should master and develop core technologies, enrich the product line and produce more high-end products. Besides, the mobi

Friday, August 16, 2019

Management comprises

Management comprises of direction and control of a group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing that group towards accomplishing a goal. In business, management often encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resourced, technological resources and natural resources. Since the management department is the core of effective operations, strategies and proper procedure must run it. If employers are genuine about participation, the prime area of attention needs to be the daily behavior of managers. This necessitates reviewing the performance, selection and training of managers. The worst thing to do is to promote people into managerial jobs while letting them think that they need not take their managerial responsibilities seriously (p. 10). Participation also needs to be examined in the context of organizational and national culture and the pressures on an organization at particular points in time. Too often the topic is addressed as though the objectives can be achieved simply through mechanistic imposition. To understand what makes of an effective manager, I have studied Rees and Porter’s Skills of Management and interviewed two managers. The first interviewee is Lisa McCormack, a 35 years old Services Manager in a Health Service provider in Ireland. She has a degree in Social Science and a post graduate diploma in management studies. She has also completed computer courses, health and safety courses, and time management and conflict resolution. She has been with her current employer for ten years. Lisa is a full-time Services Manager, whose main responsibilities are matched with that of a manager. Her main responsibilities in her current position include strategic planning for services, report preparation, budget allocation, staff management and working as part of a multi disciplinary team to enhance service provision for their client group. Lisa was employed in 1998 as a Project Coordinator, which included some management duties but a project Manager was responsible for the department. She worked as a project coordinator until 2002 when she was appointed Services Coordinator, which again included some management duties but supervised by a Service Manager. In 2005 she was promoted to become a Service Manager where she takes over full management duties. Management does not take place in a vacuum but in a particular set of circumstances – usually requiring specialist knowledge. It would be unusual for a manager in a specialist environment to have had years of specialist training but only days of management training (p.2). Management escalator is progression of responsibilities, from specialists to managerial, through time to help employees acquire managerial skills overtime while developing operational skills at the same time. This transition, as managerial responsibilities increase and specialist activities decrease, gives the employee a more impeccable expertise in the department. Specialists often acquire managerial responsibilities, and often quite early in their career. Those aspiring to management have found that their entry route is via a specialist department. Consequently, it is appropriate to see that managers have the right blend of specialist and managerial skills and that they are given help in adjusting to managerial roles. The implications of the specialist route into management need to be reflected in the structure of increasingly popular undergraduate programs in business studies. There is a case for such courses having both specialist options and a managerial component. Service management is integrated into Supply Chain Management as the joint between the actual sales and the customer. A service manager reduces high service costs by integrating the service and products supply chain. She also reduces inventory levels of service parts and therefore reduces total inventory costs. She optimizes customer service and service quality. She helps in the increase of service revenue by reducing obsolescence costs of service parts through improved forecasting. A service manager may also minimize technician visits as with her knowledge and expertise, she can fix related problems. There is no way she can miss these skills through her years of specialist activities. She believes that her education has served her very well in gaining promotions but she would consider her informal education within the organization as very relevant to her current managerial position as Increases in the quantity of management training are one thing, ensuring that training is effective is another, (p. 17). Professional experience in the organization teaches helpful application than theories. The second interviewee is a 52 year old Manager of a global clothing production company. He claims that he’s a full time Manager of the Sales Department but states that 50% of his time is spent on managerial responsibilities while 25% of it is spent on changes, which their clients might require in the future and the remaining 25% spent on trying to get new clients. According to Rees and Porter, management operates through various functions, such as: (a) the planning and deciding what needs to happen in the future. It also includes generating plans for action; (b) organizing, which is the making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans; (c) leading and motivating, which is the exhibiting of skills in specialty areas for getting others to play an effective part in achieving plans; and (d) controlling, monitoring, and checking of progress against plans, which may need modification based on feedback. From this it can be inferred that though he’s a full-time manager performing specialist responsibilities, he in fact comprises the key skills of an effective manager. He has worked five years as a specialist sales person before becoming a supervisor and four years later became a manager. Managerial responsibility usually flows from specialist expertise; if a person has to run a specialist unit they are unlikely to be able to do this unless they understand what their subordinates are doing and can give appropriate guidance about working methods and end results (p. 6). Another problem that can arise people with background in a particular management specialty. Like other specialists, they may pay too much attention to their area of historic specialization. They may give too much priority in terms of time and decision making to issues in their specialized area (p.11). He has been a very effective sales specialist, which caused his department to expand. Promotion to supervisory or management positions of specialists may reduce or remove the opportunity to do the work for which they were trained and with which they identify (p. 12) but apparently this does not prove as in his case. He has taken a two-year post graduate course in Business Administration and attended many seminars. He says his formal management training, his BA course, is very effective and that he could not have done what he has accomplished now without it. Though role definition must be crystal clear to put a precise boundary between managers and specialists whose responsibilities are both overlapping, the two interviewees show that their managerial position does not take their operational responsibilities away. Organizations must be straightforward when it comes to job descriptions to avoid confusion. The selectors of managers must also be competent since incompetent ones would only appoint those skillful specialists into managerial positions they are not good in or unprepared for. Organizations who assign managerial responsibilities to specialists without formality may also encounter problems such as a demand for high paying specialist jobs, ineffective and reduced incentives for quality work from specialists who perform managerial responsibilities, and specialists encountering difficulty in integrating with colleagues. However, such problems are not demonstrated by both interviewees. Managers should also identify what disciplinary handling skills need to be developed in organizations. Much attention is often paid to serious issues such as dismissal but most disciplinary action is, or needs to be, at the base where action such as counseling and informal warnings may be what is required. Training provided is often heavily oriented around the law and more appropriate for managers than specialists. Focuses on the need to clarify responsibilities, the nature of the skills managers need, the way these skills can be developed and the preventive aspects of discipline. Crucial managerial skills should be identified and categorized into process skills. Source: Rees & Porter, Skills of Management, Chapter 1 Thomson Learning, 2001

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Organizational Structure Presentation Annotated Bibliography Essay

An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. Organizational Structure Presentation Annotated Bibliography Buchbinder, S.B., & Shanks, N.H. (2012). Introduction to health care management (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. In Organizational Behavior and Management Thinking is the overview of organizational behavior in health care. It identify how perceptions, thinking, mental models, and other thinking patterns play out in organizational life. It help managers with communication, problem solving, and decision making solely relying on the managers training. Employees are key to an organization’s success, how well the manager interacts and works with a variety of individuals is key to a manager’s success. A manager who is skilled in organizational behavior will be able to work effectively with employees and colleagues across the organization, assisting and influencing them to support and achieve organization goals. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Promoting Quality: The Health-Care Organization from a Management Perspective. Retrieved from Total quality management projects have traditionally existed within hospital management administrative teams, while clinical care was a guarded realm of healthcare professionals. In an organizational and management structures that support the design and implementation of quality-improvement initiatives and create mechanisms for accountability for quality of care. Healthcare organizations are constantly evolution, so organizational design should be considered a  variable and evolving tool for improving organizational performance. Healthcare delivery system in the 20th century are adopting a functional model based functional area various clinical departments, nursing, laboratory services that has a manager that reports to higher management levels and eventually to the hospital’s chief executive officer. Doucette, C. (2014). Internal and External Factors that Affect an Organization. In Small Business Chronicle. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from The article explain how the structure is an internal factor that impacts your organization on an everyday basis. Improving the internal and external factors effects the culture of your organization by using interpersonal relationships, providing training materials, newsletters, philosophical statements and policies will help you employees to strive to achieve their goals. The author show how the lack of effective communication among the internal and external department can hinder the growth of your organization. She explain that your stockholder, investor, and consumer are affected when lack of communication impacts your organization image and possibly putting your organization out of business. Being that she is owns and operate a small business give insight on how to keep your from failing. Pizzini, W. (2002). The role of management control systems in health care organizations. Business Administration, Accounting Health Sciences, Health Care Management. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from The efficacy of management control systems (MCS) in containing health care organizations’ costs with healthcare cost on a steady rise it is necessary. From the standpoint of the organization financial mangers the ultimate goal is the decrease the cost while still maintaining quality care the patients while implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) programs and/or new cost systems. As financial managers you are held responsible to upper management to achieve financial targets that contribute to the overall profitability of the corporation. Neira, M. (n.d.). Preventing disease through healthy environments. World Health Organization. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ricky Watt’s Marketing Plan

1. Evaluate the promotion objectives Rick Wyatt should include in his plan: These following promotion objectives below should include in Rick’s plan: . To increase the number of volunteers to give back to communities . To create an enjoyable working environment to keep the volunteer serving the communities longer . To have extensive diversified trainings so volunteers and members can be aware of what they’re doing . To let the volunteers know they’re respected and are recognized and are safe 2.What promotion methods should he use to achieve those objectives? In order to achieve these objectives, Rick should do the following steps below: . To put ads in the local papers, banner/signs, radio broadcasts, flyers, posters, word of mouth, or walk house to house to advertise the volunteer are always welcome and needed . To have a short 10 minute videorun on the county public safety cable channel that will show the many operations provided by volunteers plus a video to s how that what the Fire Department work and give back to communities .To do fund-raisings to bring capitals so the Fire Department can use these capitals to expand the Department and to award the volunteers . Don't restrict volunteers to be firefighters. Volunteer can do in different levels of medical response/support; rehab roles; and support roles. This method allows the Fire Department to bring on a wider range of people, and they all fill a vital role . Develop and use a formal awards program such as certificates, dinner coupon to let the volunteers know their works are recognized and are respected    .A clear communication keeps firefighters  feeling as though they are important to the organization and the service's mission . To have a department-wide picnic in the summer or holiday dinner to bring volunteer and their families together . To connect and offer introductory class with Red Cross meetings or classes, blood drives, food banks, and basic community service places to find the best candidates . To have gym, coffee rooms, entertainment areas in the Fire Department that can bring all members together, to keep members in shape, to create an enjoyable working environment

Binge Drinking on the rise in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Binge Drinking on the rise in the UK - Essay Example Other bits of information are presented more somberly, such as information concerning the amount of alcohol in a standard drink and how fast the body metabolizes alcohol. The source achieves these objectives by providing the information Dr. Hanson has collected from studies over the past forty years. The sections are arranged in a format familiar to young people. Question and answer sessions that are devoid of preaching but flush with scientific fact are easily accessed. Dr. David Hanson has published over 300 scholarly articles on issues related to alcohol consumption over the past forty years. He has written two full length books and appeared on numerous television and radio programs as a recognized expert. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the State University of New York at Potsdam. He clearly states in his biographical information that he receives absolutely no funding for his research from outside sources, so he is beholden to no one. He states that he publishes what logic dictates regardless of who it may offend. This source for information on alcohol consumption is decidedly left of center. The author spends much time debunking myths about alcohol consumption that seem to be near and dear to the heart of right wing discourse concerning alcohol consumption. Most notably, the author makes a strong case for parents to consume alcohol with their children within the home. This is a radical notion in the United States, where a prohibition of alcohol consumption for anyone under the age of 21 is in effect. While more common in Europe, American families rarely drink together until the children are of a legal age to do so. Another segment of the web site that is decidedly left-leaning is the suggestions the author makes concerning the deterrence of drunk driving. The author argues that proactive initiatives such as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) courts are especially helpful because their outcomes

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Analyse the Telecom Industry and Analyse also the company 3 mobile Essay

Analyse the Telecom Industry and Analyse also the company 3 mobile - Essay Example Depending on the supply chain and logistics of operation within the telecommunication industry, the analysis gives possible factors that have led to the flourishing of the industry in one way or another. The macro-economic factors are essential and each company ought to consider them in its strategies (Mithas, Tafti & Mitchell 2013, p 511). Beginning with the Political factors, it is worth noting that the telecommunication industry faces a number of government interventions, depending on the telecommunication laws of each country. Some of the areas where government policies play a primary role include the media, mobile telephony, and internet services. A country’s political system can determine the macro-environment under which the telecommunication companies will operate (Peng & Nunes 2007, p 230). Any fluctuation in the Economic factors can significantly affect the industry. For instance, change in interest rates, economic growth of countries, and inflation can either spell doom for some telecommunication companies or even signify abnormal profits. It all depends on a company’s strategy within the telecommunication industry, considering that economic factors are unpredictable are bound to change according to other factors beyond control by any company or country. In this regard, global recessions may lead to increase in the prices of telecommunication products by some companies. Other companies will attempt to gain competitive edge by limiting their distribution of the latest mobile devices to some countries only, just as Apple Inc. has done (Peng & Nunes 2007, p 231). Social factors are fundamental macro-environmental factors within the telecommunication industry, considering the diverse attitudes and preferences within the industry. Safety while operating or working with telecommunication equipment and network is

Monday, August 12, 2019

Russian scientists' contribution in the world science Essay

Russian scientists' contribution in the world science - Essay Example Economist and Noble prize winner Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich, founder of linear programming. Nikolai Basov, who invented laser. Now, in this assignment let us discuss in detail the hurdles faced by them through the process of innovations and life history. Dmitri Mendedleev: One of the great scientists of Russia is the Dmitri Mendelev, survived from 1834 to 1907 and has contributed the precious Periodic Table of Elements. The story began when the atomic weights of elements were derived wrongly. As a result incorrect compounds were found to be formed. So there resulted a serious confusion in determining the characteristics of elements and their atomic weights (Allaby & Gjertsen, 2002). It was stated that Mendeleev derived the Periodic table in his dreams. Mendeleev had the vision of the Periodic table in his mind but unable to put them in to table. He worked continuously for three days to create the table. Ultimately he slept in his table and had a dream of the arranging the 63 ele ments in the Periodic Table of Elements. Then he wake up from the dream and derived the table that he dreamt. It was perfectly correct with only few corrections made in it. It took nearly 20 years to construct this precious table and his contribution helped greatly to learn the characteristics and property of the elements. Later he discovered Gallium, Scandium and Germanium. He worked as a professor at the St. University of Petersburg from 1868 to 1890. His other studies and contributions are Nature of solutions Expansion of liquids 40Â ° vodka formula 30 components formula derived in 5 rows. This was so simple and precise that his findings exceeded all the works of his predecessors. The derivation of 40Â ° vodka formula was really an interesting story. It was the time world over running researches on weight analysis on alcoholic solutions. Mendeleev received the accurate results by missing the alcohol with water based on weights while the whole other world used to mix by volumes. Then he formulated as the precise content of spirit in vodka to be 40Â °. Upon reciprocal dilution the largest compression a mixture can be made. That is 45.88% of anhydrous spirit can be mixed with 54.12% of water. To explain this exactly 1 liter of 40Â ° vodka weights 951 grams exactly (Allaby & Gjertsen, 2002). Sergei Vasilyevich Lebedev: Lebedev was born in 1834 in Lubin. He completed his graduation at St. Petersburg University. After his graduation he moved from university to university in charge of the work and finally settled down at the Petersburg Margarine Factory (Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, 2002). His main works are devoted to the invention of the polymerization of the hydrocarbons of ‘diene’ type. He was the first to produce the polybutadiene synthetic rubber. This synthetic rubber replaced the natural rubber and was produced during World War I as there was a shortage of natural rubber. His wrote a book named as ‘Research in polymerization of by-et hylene hydrocarbons’ in 1913, which became the basics guide for studies on synthetic rubber. He also introduced the modern methods which lead to the manufacture of the butyl synthetic rubber and poly iso-butylene with the help of his studies on polymerization of ethylene monomers. The access of reliable sources to natural rubber was difficult to Russians. Hence the mass production of the synthetic rubber was essential and this was launched in 1932. In 1940, they produced more than 50,000 tons per year. Later the process of obtaining butadiene rubber from ethyl